Category Food

If Pizza is a Vegetable, So is Cake.

Sometimes I want to eat vegetables. Sometimes I want to eat dessert. Sometimes I want to eat a whole jar of pickles and follow it up with a Chipwich from the 7-11 while crying on the couch watching The Labyrinth. And I’m not even pregnant yet. Anyway, when the desire for fiber and the desire […]

Homemade Caramel DeLites

It’s almost Girl Scout Cookie season! I fully support the GSA. Their mission and their work with young girls is inspiring and commendable. I am certainly not opposed to buying a couple boxes of cookies every year to support their organization. But I do not know anyone who has GSA-aged daughters. And there comes a […]

Gluten-Free Flour Roundup

Living with someone who does not eat gluten, and also being a person who would do depraved things for a cookie, I have a lot of experience cooking and baking with gluten-free alternatives to flour. I have tried almost everything in my baking experiments to get my bread dough to stretch nicely, my cookies to bake […]

Why is (Chocolate) A “Girl Thing?”

Today’s post is brought to you my: My Period! You’ve probably heard the stereotype that woman love them some chocolate. If you’ve never heard this stereotype, please click on over to a stock photography website, search for “woman chocolate” and then try and tell me it doesn’t exist, you little shit. The advertising industry knows […]

A Lady’s Guide to (More) Whey Protein

As I have mentioned before, I am a fan of protein powder. It helps me fill in my protein macros for the day, and it’s a good on-the-go emergency meal or snack for days when I fucking forgot my lunch bag on the kitchen counter and now I’m already on the highway and if I […]


If you, like me, are in graduate school right now, then you, like me, are too busy shitting your pants 100% of the time to think about cooking. Let alone, God forbid, cooking anything that requires actual cleanup. But man cannot live on Easy Mac alone. Sometimes you need real food – food that didn’t […]

Cake or Death

My mom and I are basically the biggest inhaler-wielding nerds on the planet. I have a nut allergy that makes me puff up like a blowfish if anyone puts their nuts near my face (which, believe me, I have been hearing jokes about since we were way too young to even understand what they meant) […]

It Ain’t Easy Eating Greens

I don’t know about y’all, but I feel empty inside if I haven’t eaten anything green in color all day. There are lots of very nutritious vegetables that are orange, or purple, or red – but a green vegetable just feels so good going down. Here are a few recipes that will keep you coming […]

Snax, Bitch

Nibbles, am I right? I realized that I have a couple of tasty vegetarian entree recipes on this website, but I haven’t shared my favorite recipes for uncomplicated little dishes you could serve at a party or on the side at dinner. So without further ado: Asian-Inspired Farro Salad I think this is only Asian-inspired […]

Why is (“Sex on the Beach”) a “Girl Thing”?

I’m not talking about the act. That would require, at the very least, TWO girls. No, I’m talking about the ubiquitous drink that you have probably either ordered or watched someone order at a bar at some point in your life: vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, and cranberry juice. Fruity, sweet, and delicious. Have you […]